To Report Child Abuse, please call: 1-800-606-6618

Community Training & Resources

April 2023 Child Abuse Prevention Month

This is the link to obtain free and approved Mandated Reporter Training for the state of California.

Child Abuse Mandated Reporter Training (

For specific Monterey County Mandated reporter training and Information e-mail


Community Training:

Local, regional and statewide organizations are encouraged to provide shared community trainings opportunities around child and family well-being, focused on prevention. This information can be e-mailed to with a way to verify. Once this information is verified it will then be publicly posted.

When provided to CAPC Monterey County, this site will post training information, registration information and links to all training related to Child Well-being. Please check back as this page will be updated monthly.


California Child Welfare Indicators Project

Data and technical assistance to promote child welfare system improvement

Monterey County Community Resilience Plan

The following link takes you to the Monterey County Community Resilience Plan. It includes information on how to respond to disasters and hazard specific preparedness tips
Ready Monterey County | Monterey County, CA

There are no upcoming events at this time. Events Calendar

If you are worried about a child or suspect child abuse or neglect,
please call: 1-800-606-6618