To Report Child Abuse, please call: 1-800-606-6618


Empowering Our Communities: The Child Abuse Prevention Council of Monterey County Launches Educational Events for Parents, Youth, and Community Members

Empowering Our Communities: The Child Abuse Prevention Council of Monterey County Launches Educational Events for Parents, Youth, and Community Members

CAPC of Monterey County takes a boots-on-the-ground approach to providing literacy, resources, and support to communities throughout Monterey County. “Let’s Talk” event finds success with Soledad and Castroville parents and teens. 

In an effort to combat the rising issue of substance abuse among Monterey County youth, CAPC of Monterey County has launched two impactful events in Castroville and Soledad for the Spanish speaking community. “Let’s Talk” is an opportunity for families to learn more about Narcan, a life-saving medication and other parent education topics. By openly discussing issues and providing valuable resources and information, CAPC of Monterey County is working to break barriers and encourage open dialogue within the community. Post-event surveys reflected a fifty two percent increase in youth substance abuse awareness. 

Support for mandated reports in diverse sectors are offered by CAPC in partnership with Family and Children’s Services of Monterey County. Designed to ensure regulatory compliance, while promoting a safe environment for all individuals, key trainings and classes are now being offered. To learn more about upcoming community events, visit

The Child Abuse Prevention Council of Monterey County plays the role of a catalyst, convener, and coordinator for program planning, support and oversight for local prevention of child abuse efforts.

If you are worried about a child or suspect child abuse or neglect,
please call: 1-800-606-6618